From now on, anyone on Lakeside Paradise's terrace can enjoy a work of
Admiring David DeBusseré. Not just any artwork, but a 650kg
bronze statue of an armoured knight holding a surfboard under his arm
seemingly ready to take off...
This knight seemingly cannot surf because of his bulky armour. The
idea alone would drag him to the bottom of the ocean like a lead
weight. But what if there is a way to overcome this seemingly insurmountable
obstacle to overcome? What if he has enough speed and determination
To find his balance on the surfboard?
This image is an illustration of the human mind and what is possible
When we really want something. It reminds us that obstacles are only
are temporary challenges and that there is always a way for those who
sticking to their dreams and goals.
The knight shows us that with strong will and determination, even the
most restrictive conditions can be overcome. He is a
reminder of the inner strength we all possess, and the
ability to take control of our lives. The road to recovery, success,
is not always easy, but with the right willpower, anything is possible.
David felt the sculpture was a perfect fit at Lakeside Paradise, where he has already been
resides for years and each time sees how wakeboarders keep practising to achieve their goal
to achieve: that one obstacle, that hard-to-execute figure...only
by persevering it succeeds.
David: "when I look around me here I only see happy people, who feel
feel good in this environment. The youth, the youngsters who take up wakeboarding
mastered...magical just like that. Also, the fact that what was realised here
became under the name Lakeside Paradise, that alone. No one used to have that
kept for reality, when we were little there was nothing here and the
Put Van Cloedt unreachable while really adding value to
so many visitors. So you see: even those who realised all this had
an iron will and for that very reason I find that my work here is totally
comes into its own and fits completely into the picture"
Pictured: David DeBusseré with Frank Vanleenhove