250 Easter grabbing children at Surfers Paradise!

On Easter Sunday 17 April, a real, free "Easter Dig" was organised for the second time. More than 250 children came to Surfers Paradise to search for Easter eggs between the beach and the dunes together with the Easter Bunny. The ultimate Easter raffle winner had a chance of finding the Golden Egg. This egg contains a voucher for a free participation in a "Surf & Beach Camp" during the months July & August. More than 2500 Easter eggs were hidden over a distance of 1 km through the grab zone. Perfect for all chocolate lovers. After the famous search with the Easter bunny, everyone could enjoy the rich and sun-drenched Easter brunch on the beach of Surfers Paradise.

With this Easter Gamble Surfers Paradise concluded the first series of two water sports camps that took place during the Easter holidays. During the first week some improvisation was required due to the bad weather with trips to Sportoase, trampoline park and covered skate parks, the second week was a great success thanks to the beautiful weather: Wakeboarding every morning at Lakeside Paradise and then surfing all afternoon at Surfers Paradise. If you still want to be there in July or August, you'd better hurry because everything is almost booked out. Surf to www.paradise-webshop.be to register.